taste vt. 1.尝,尝味,品(尝)味道;吃出…的味道;〔通例用于否定句〕饮食,吃。 2.经验,享受;体会(双关语等);〔古语〕爱好。 vi. 1.尝味,辨味。 2.有…的味道,有…的滋味 (of); 有…的气味 (of)。 3.〔古语〕吃一口,喝一口;〔古语〕尝,经验 (of)。 taste tea 品茶。 The wounded soldier has not tasted food for two days. 这伤员两天来什么也没吃。 He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life. 他尝遍了人生的酸甜苦辣。 It tastes sour. 这东西有酸味。 It tastes of mint. 这东西有薄荷味。 Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口。 The valiant never tastes of death but once. 勇士舍生取义只经历一次死的痛苦。 on tasting (商店中的食品、糖果样品等)供公众品尝的。 n. 1.滋味;味觉。 2.尝味;(贫穷等的)滋味,经验。 3.一口;一点点,些微。 4.爱好,兴趣;审美力,鉴别力,欣赏力。 5.风味;风格。 It is bitter to the taste. 这个味苦。 A cold dulls sb.'s taste. 伤风使某人吃东西没味道〔使失去辨别滋味的能力〕。 Tastes differ [vary]. 口味人各不同。 the English taste 英国人的爱好[口味]。 a bad taste in the mouth 令人不快的余味,坏印象。 a matter of taste 爱好[口味]问题。 be in bad taste 很俗气,样子不好,不雅致。 be in good [excellent, admirable] taste 很有风味,很雅致。 be out of taste 没有审美力,粗俗;没眼光。 give (sb.) a taste of 给尝,使经验。 have a (small) taste of 尝一口…看看。 have a taste for 爱好;对…具有兴趣。 man of taste 有欣赏力的人。 to sb.'s taste 合乎某人的口味。 to taste 酌量,…到适合口味 (add pepper to taste )。 to the king's [queen's] taste 很好,毫无问题,很有水准。 tastebud 【生理】味蕾。
The basic theme and aesthetic taste in yu da - fu ' s sad prose 论郁达夫的旧体诗情结
In fact , this evolvement in the deep layers of consciousness declares an isolation of literature and the aesthetic taste of men of letters 这种意识深处的悄然蜕变,宣告的是文学与文人审美的疏离。
Perhaps we are also inquiring , what kind of social context reflects the tendencies of their values and their aesthetic tastes 或许我们也在询问,怎样的社会情势反映了她他们的价值取向和审美趣味?
Traditional chinese aesthetic tastes and standards in ethics play an important role in establishing social ethics 摘要中华民族传统的审美趣味与伦理本位的审美价值标准在社会道德建设中作用与影响巨大。
It is the high time to emphasize writers ' ideal and to veiferate cultural enlightenment so as to refine the people ' s aesthetic taste 在这样的文学处境中,尤其要强调作家的文学抱负,重提文化启蒙以提升大众的审美情趣。
Popularization of aesthetic tastes tends to be the main characteristics of today ' s aesthetic conceptions since china ' s reform and opening to the outside world 改革开放以来,趣味的通俗化、流行化是新时期审美观念变革的主要特征。
Formation of the three different forms of regular script is not only related to the developing situation of the society at that time , but also has some connections with then aesthetic taste 这三种楷书形态的形成既与当时的社会发展现状有关,又与当时的审美情趣有关。
On the basis of the aesthetic taste of various artistic forms of tang dynasty , this essay will analyze the basic features of ou ' s , yan ' s and liu ' s style and probe into the internal relation among them 本文结合唐代各种艺术形态的审美趣味,分析欧体、颜体、柳体的基本特徵,探讨其中的内在联系。
Under such an impact , six dynasties ' poetry betrays many features of fu , which in essence is drawing near of the poetry ' s aesthetic tastes to fu 六朝诗歌在这种强势文体的影响下,表现出赋的许多特征,铺陈手法的运用、对偶等形式技法的借鉴正是这种倾向的外部体现,究其实质则是诗歌审美趣味向赋的靠近。
He has got some of feminized features such as introversion , quietness , delicate sentiment and detailed observation , which has determined his early aesthetic taste and literary style 他自幼就形成了胆小内向、恋家思旧、情感细腻、注重细节等倾向于女性化的个性心理特征,他早年的文学创作也呈现出相应的特色。